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Financial solutions

Mobilising catalytic finance

We partner with public and private organisations to steer global capital towards scaling high-impact solutions for customers

Illustration of two women laughing
Financial Solutions

Delivering Financial Solutions at scale

Shell Foundation’s Financial Solutions is designed to unlock capital into commercially-viable solutions that deliver our impact objectives. We deploy risk capital to leverage funding from new capital providers and improve risk-return profiles across the capital continuum in order to reduce poverty and fulfill our charitable objectives.

We are willing to be bold, take risks, be agile and flexible in our partnerships and innovate to move at pace to deliver solutions at scale.

Achieving our Financial Solutions targets

How Shell Foundation achieves our Financial Solutions targets

As a leading blended finance philanthropy, Shell Foundation moblises capital from donors, development finance institutions, and asset managers, helping catalyse finance across seed, growth and commercial stages.

Catalysing new vehicles and financial products: We identify, screen and co-create debt and equity funds, intermediaries and new financial products that can deliver highest impact and solve for priority problem statements.

Focus on financing solutions that support ability to unlock climate and gender finance in order to meet sector funding gaps, as well as new sources of capital for our markets.

Strategic partnerships: We increase collaboration and aggregation of risk capital at scale to address key customer and market challenges. These strategic partnerships aim to deliver new pipeline opportunities across, market insights and research, and deployment of capital alongside Shell Foundation to support impact outcomes at scale.

Advocacy and engagement: Ongoing advocacy to key investors and stakeholders to increase market knowledge, fill key data gaps and tackle key markets barriers preventing deployment of capital. Increase institutional knowledge of investors via capacity support to help increase ability and appetite to deploy more funding into sectors supporting Shell Foundation’s impact outcomes.

Discover Shell Foundation’s partners and portfolio

Our portfolio is made up of partners that support innovation, scale solutions and deliver financial solutions.