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Insights on the cold chain needs of fisherfolk and traders in Homa Bay County, Kenya

Kenya’s fisheries contribute an estimated 0.6% of GDP and largely comprise of freshwater fish.  Over 70% of freshwater fish tonnage is derived from the country’s 6% portion of Lake Victoria which is dominated by small-scale artisanal fisheries and are confronted with a plethora of issues that confine the fisherfolk in poverty amidst declining fish resources.

One of the main issues is lack of cold storage in fish handling that SF partner Keep IT Cool (KIC), a social enterprise based in Kenya, is attempting to address.

KIC provides technology-enabled solutions to fisherfolk with its main product being solar refrigeration. The company has supported over 2,000 fisherfolk and linked them to over 500 urban markets through their cold chain powered market access platform.

The latest research report from KIC  – in partnership with Shell Foundation and Triplel Line, and with funding from UKAID – aims to better understand cold chain needs of fishermen and traders and the impact KIC is making towards fulfilling these needs

Read the report