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Evaluating the impact of pay-as-you-go LPG on Kenyan lives 

PayGo Energy provides a pay-as-you-go LPG service to low-income customers in Kenya, the DRC and the Philippines. 

Co-funded by UK aid from the UK Government and in partnership with portfolio partner PayGo Energy, The Busara Centre conducted research examining the impact of PayGo energy on its customers in Kenya. 

Adopting a mixed method approach, the study explores the experiences and impacts on customers’ financial lives, wellbeing, cooking practices and household dynamics. It paid particular interest to impacts experienced by women and how impacts differ by gender. 


  • PayGo customers’ total time saved is equivalent to a full working day every week 
  • 59% of customers can save money on cooking fuel due to PayGo 
  • 24% of customers cook more since switching to PayGo;13% report better balance in their cooking 
  • 95% of customers reported that they are proud to be using PayGo  

I have earned more respect. Before, visitors could see my house in smoke but right now, I can use PayGo in the house with the visitors.Segment 5, Male 

LPG vs other cooking fuels 

A central element of the report is how pay-as-you-go LPG has changed the relationship of its customers with other sources of cooking fuel. It also explores several behavioural motivations such as:  

What makes people switch fuel sources?  

How does the use of PayGo influence a household’s propensity to fuel stack (use multiple cooking fuels simultaneously)? 

Download the report