Smart Freight Centre – Annual Report 2020

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Smart Freight Centre (SFC) is a leading voice globally for the logistics community, bringing together multinational companies to improve efficiencies and reduce CO²e emissions. In their 2020 Annual Report SFC puts ‘freight in the limelight’ and reflects on the significant impact made across the global logistics community. Since its inception, more than 100 multinationals use…

How Shell Foundation is responding to the Covid-19 crisis

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As the world adapts to a different operating environment caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, at Shell Foundation we have been working to formalise our response strategy to help our portfolio of social enterprises and institutions continue delivering energy and transport solutions to low-income consumers in Africa and Asia, and that the sector response is aligned…

Freight transportation aligns on reporting standards

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SF partner Smart Freight Centre (SFC) and the Global Logistic Emissions Council (GLEC) today released an updated method – the GLEC Framework – to calculate the carbon footprint of freight transport. The updated GLEC Framework is designed to be easy for companies to implement, with clear calculation steps, guidance on reporting and target setting.  This…

Smart Freight Centre

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Key Facts >150 companies, associations, programmes and other organisations joined the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) led by SFC 10 multinationals developed Sustainable Logistics Roadmaps towards net-zero emissions by 2050 with SFC support; 217 trained road freight carriers with emission reduction action plans Reduction of 6 m/t CO2 between 2016 and 2020 reported by companies…

Enterprise solutions to 2030

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When Shell Foundation was created in 2000, we set out to test a theory, largely unproven at the time, that market forces could be directed to deliver lasting socio-economic, health and environmental value to low-income communities – and that eradicating many of the world’s most entrenched development challenges could be financed predominantly from private capital.…

Scaling up solutions for sustainable mobility

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The issue of sustainable mobility in rapidly growing cities is now beginning to take centre stage as a major obstacle to sustainable economic development. Rapid urbanisation has led to levels of congestion and pollution that severely impair the economic prospects of cities and the health and wellbeing of the people that live there. In addition,…

Enterprise Solutions to Scale

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We have learned a lot about trying to achieve scale and sustainability over the past decade. We set about doing this in ways that were new at the time by pioneering an enterprise-based approach. We concentrated our efforts on tackling social and environmental issues in which the energy industry has a particular responsibility. We also…

Enterprise Solutions to Poverty

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In 2005 the confluence of advocacy, political serendipity and natural disaster has rapidly pushed the plight of the impoverished up the agenda of the wealthy as never before. The sharpness of the challenge being thrown down on behalf of the poor and the pressure on the rich to take action in response is unprecedented, as…