The business potential in going beyond cooling as a service

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Four new impact case studies from Inficold highlight how various cold chain products can deliver higher incomes for farmers and agribusinesses across several value chains.   Agriculture in the Indian Context   We have supported Inficold since 2016, as part of our CASEE programme with the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), to develop its…

Understanding how solar powered decentralised food processing can increase value-chain efficiency

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Sustainable food processing provides an untapped opportunity for social investors to combat the daily ~$19.4 million post-harvest crop loss in India. India’s food processing sector is significantly hampered by efficiency challenges, further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, up to 40% of smallholder farmers’ total produce results in post-harvest loss. SF partner S4S Technologies has…

How cold chain infrastructure is transforming Kenyan fishing communities

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Many Kenyans make their living via the fish value chain, but its growth potential is limited by high post-harvest losses caused in a large part by lack of food cold chain infrastructure, which is in turn constrained by a limited access to energy. Shell Foundation has supported KeepITCool (KIC) – a social enterprise that facilitates…

Catalysing Climate Finance for Low-Carbon Agriculture Enterprises

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Rural households in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) working in the agriculture sector feed much of the world, bear little responsibility for driving climate change, and are being disproportionately impacted by climate-related shocks. Climate finance represents a critical opportunity to bring investment and innovations to agricultural settings to improve resilience and drive new and more…

Mapping the ecosystem of current and potential Agriculture-Energy investors

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Agriculture and energy are high on the development agenda. They are critical in driving the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by supporting food security, enabling value addition and reducing poverty. Agriculture and energy are also closely linked to climate change and part of the solution.  The African agribusiness sector could reach US$1 trillion…

Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda – exploring what’s needed to deliver a low-carbon energy access in three markets

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Today we launch our latest research at the COP26 conference in Glasgow, looking at what is needed to deliver a low-carbon universal energy access in three key markets – Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda – and highlighting potentially disruptive ‘game-changers’ for each market. The country deep dives represent the third phase of the research, conducted by…

Sector voices praise $55m loan programme supporting Indian agriculture enterprises

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The “India Covid Response Programme for Agriculture Transition” was formally launched last week with more than 400 people attending a virtual event.  The work done by all the programme partners to get the facility over the line was acknowledged and there were insights on the tremendous impact this Programme will have on lending for clean…

Africa Trust Group

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KEY FACTS ATG incorporates three funds; two pre-seed and one seed fund including an alternative financial instruments fund Invested in 15+ businesses in under two years amounting to $4m+ Africa Trust Group (ATG) is a holistic early-stage gender lens investor focused on accelerating investment into women-led start-ups in Africa. The start-ups benefit from ATGs women-led…

Presenting a dynamic understanding of rural household needs in Kenya

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Successful and inclusive rural economic development needs to be built on long-term understanding of and engagement with rural households.   New research, Understanding Rural Pathway Transitions, developed by Shell Foundation (SF) and MasterCard Foundation’s Rural & Agricultural Finance Learning Lab (RAFLL), with support from The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) – provides a structure…