Why Odyssey’s acquisition of Ferntech is a positive indicator for the mini-grid sector 

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SF partner Odyssey Energy Solutions recently announced its acquisition of the remote monitoring and control technology, Ferntech. This development will allow Odyssey to expand its service offering and provide multiple stakeholders with a more comprehensive asset management platform to scale investment in the renewable mini-grid sector.  Co-created by SF and Factor[e] in 2017 and co-funded with UK aid and USAID, Odyssey has successfully built the mini-grid sector’s only…

Sector voices praise $55m loan programme supporting Indian agriculture enterprises

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The “India Covid Response Programme for Agriculture Transition” was formally launched last week with more than 400 people attending a virtual event.  The work done by all the programme partners to get the facility over the line was acknowledged and there were insights on the tremendous impact this Programme will have on lending for clean…

Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund announces three new investments in African energy access enterprises

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The Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund (EEGF) has completed  its first three investments into distributed renewable  energy (DRE) companies working in Sub-Saharan Africa, and signed a concessional loan agreement with the African Development Bank (AfDB) that allows the fund to continue releasing flexible capital into the sector, which is making a critical contribution to expanding energy…

UOMA report highlights Uganda’s $95m electrification funding gap

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    The Uganda Off-Grid Energy Market Accelerator (UOMA) recently released a report examining the demand-side barriers to financing for off-grid solar businesses. Though it is well recognised that off-grid solar will play a major role in closing Uganda’s current electrification gap, a significant funding shortfall threatens the country’s efforts. It has been estimated that…

Persistent reflects on 10 years building energy access ventures

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In the 10 years since its founding, Persistent has built a venture building model that has invested in businesses providing PAYGO solar home systems as well as commercial and industrial solar, ecosystem enablers and e-mobility players, delivering financial returns and significant impact, improving more than four million lives across sub-Saharan Africa.   Shell Foundation has…

Five Grantees Announced for Health Electrification Pilot Programme

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Five mini-grid developers have been selected as part of a pilot programme to test and measure innovative financing mechanisms that can help scale electrification of health clinics across sub-Saharan Africa. Having invited applications to the programme in March, 25 applications were received and evaluated against five criteria: (1)  prior experience implementing and maintaining similar projects…

What drives last mile distribution purchasing decisions in India?

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Last mile distribution (LMD) logistics continues to hinder economic growth across rural India, which houses around 70% of the population, contributing to approximately 35% to India’s overall GDP. Inefficiencies in rural logistics have negative impacts on rural economies reliant on self-employment services, agriculture and construction. Tusker Transport – a Shell Foundation partner since 2015 –…

Do SHS channels hold the key to domestic refrigeration for off-grid customers?

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SureChill recently concluded a successful sales pilot of off-grid domestic refrigerators with interesting insights into key triggers and barriers to purchasing decisions. SureChill was founded in 2009 to commercialise a newly patented thermal energy storage technology deemed capable of bringing reliable refrigeration to off-grid and unreliable grid communities. Having initially focused on developing and marketing…

The case for impact investment in Sustainable Mobility

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A new impact report, commissioned by Shell Foundation and authored by ENEA Consulting, positions Sustainable Mobility as a unique and budding sector for which solutions are critical given projected demographic growth in developing countries. The report looks at entrepreneur-led B2C Sustainable Mobility solutions in rural and urban settings targeting low-income populations to alleviate multiple mobility challenges in emerging markets,…

Improving Women’s Productivity and Incomes Through Clean Energy in India

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As part of the POWERED programme, co- funded with UK aid from the UK government, SF is supporting the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) to integrate technical and financial assistance towards gender-inclusion in India.  This study overview appeared originally on CEEW’s website. Overview The study discusses the barriers faced by women micro-entrepreneurs, who are using…